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    Post: Navy Medical Corps 1: Incompetent Civilian Doctors-0

    Posted by PAO bethesda on 9/04/06

    It's time to sue every civilian doctor working for DOD.

    A Female sailor just returned from Iraq with a severed
    Achiles Tendon from a bomb blast. When the civilians
    who wanted this hispanic beauty for their patient
    decided they wanted to either amputate the foot or
    mark this sailor as a clubbed foot loss to the DON
    she went to a corpsman.

    The corpsman knew of the restrictions that the politically
    appointed civilians were holding against the Commissioned
    Officers and decided to do a repair on his own.

    The corpsman realigned several arch tendons backwards
    and spliced them into the upper Achiles Tendon tissues
    that wer still in the leg. he finished up with plastic
    surgeon quality sutures along the arch, heel, and snkle.

    hr then mad a cast of a "high heeled sneaker" bottoms
    and standard ace wrap/ molded splint.

    After the podiatrist at Portsmith saw the work, he took the
    sailor off the civilian doctor's lists and sent her to a
    unit so she would only have Naval Personnel there to
    ensure no tampering by more civilians.

    Prognosis: No Duty 6 weeks, Limited Duty 6 Months,
    PhysTherepy 6 Months, And still being a service to the

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Navy Medical Corps 1: Incompetent Civilian Doctors-0, 9/04/06, by PAO bethesda.
  • Re: Navy Medical Corps 1: Incompetent Civilian Doctors-0, 12/30/06, by Steven Blonske.
  • Re: Navy Medical Corps 1: Incompetent Civilian Doctors-0, 1/09/13, by Sakae Kazuchika.
  • Re: Navy Medical Corps 1: Incompetent Civilian Doctors-0, 1/09/13, by Sakae Kazuchika.

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