Re: Blood Draw Leads To Arm Strength Loss
Posted by RLF on 6/21/10
Forgot to mention I cant keep my arm in same position for 4 minutes without feeling pain...and I definetly cant move it into another position without feeling pain. On 6/21/10, RLF wrote: > went to lab to do a simple blood draw to get a > physical..I'm 35 years old, healthy, never need a doctor. > 2 days later big red blotch shows up. 5 days later whole > forearm from elbow to wrist turns black, blue, purple, & > yellow. 1 week later pain in forearm. 2 weeks later color > fades but pain persists. > It's now 2 weeks and i cannot lift anything with the > arm..when I do, I feel a pain where they drew the blood... > I have pictures. My own Doctor said its not normal, she > referred me to a vascular specialist. He did an ultrsound. > Said needle went to far and blood went into muscle. > I have a voice message from lady who drew blood > apoligizing for the bruise. > I'm in the electrical line of work, I need the strength > in my arm...I cant do anything right now...losing work! > Do I have a case, if so how much should I request??
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Blood Draw Leads To Arm Strength Loss, 6/21/10, by RLF.
- Re: Blood Draw Leads To Arm Strength Loss, 6/21/10, by RLF.