Post: dental malpractice hidden by misdiagnosis

Posted by Dawn on 10/15/10
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? texas
In 2001, when I was only 14, I had my wisdom teeth taken
out. A few days later, I started getting dizzy and
uncoordinated, so I saw a doctor. No one believed anything
was wrong with me until I got a lazy eye. Then my dr
ordered at CT scan. That came back normal so a got an MRI
and a referral to a pediatric neurologist. He then ordered
a spinal tap. Spinal tap and MRI were abnormal. The dr
diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis. He stated that he
didn't know much about it, but that's what he thought it
was. He then referred me to an MS specialist, who blew me
off because I was only 14 and he normally dealt with
adults. I underwent two rounds of steroids, which did not
help and I had horrible side effects. I saw several
neurologists who wouldn't look past my diagnosis. My health
was deteriorating. Within two years, I couldn't walk or
talk. Throughout the next few years, I underwent many
treatments for MS: IVIG, plasmapheresis, chemo, MS shots.
Nothing helped, and most treatments made me worse. Before
my 18th birthday, I was told to prepare myself for the
worst. In 2005, I saw a doctor of osteopathy that listened
to my history and sent me to a special dentist. He did
xrays, which revealed osteonecrosis in my jaws created by
the tooth extractions in 2001. The dentist did not clean
out the holes after the surgery, which blocked the blood
flow and the bone died. Infection bred in my jaws and
spread to my brain. The infection wasn't detected because
of the blood brain barrier. I went from an athletic 14 year
old to on my deathbed completely unable to take of myself
in three years.
Once I got the correct diagnosis, I had surgery to clean
out my jaws. I then started to recover slowly and with a
lot of physical/speech therapy. I am still recovering and
in speech/physical therapy.
I am in a lot of debt because of what happened to me. I am
now 24 with a year old baby. I want people to know that
this can happen to people. Dentists and doctors don't know.
And I don't think I should be in debt because of these
doctor's mistakes.
Is there anything I can do? I need advice.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- dental malpractice hidden by misdiagnosis, 10/15/10, by Dawn.