Post: Attention Non-Dairy Creamer Users

Posted by Steve Blonske on 12/26/10
Are you a Non-dairy creamer user because
your doctor told you that a natural body function
is "Lactose Intolerence".
According to the BuMed, Dept. of The Navy: Claims at
patients being "Lactose Intolerant" are fraud. Lactose and
Lactate are the primary transporters of energy to any
animal or human body.
Civilian Doctors are pushing for Non-Dairy creamer usage
because there in a substance called "Aluminum Silicate"
which is used to make false claims of everything from
Chrone's Desease to every form of Cancer known.
This substance gathers in ALL of the primary organs and
shows up in X-Rays and CT Scans very clearly.
Hence the doctors are hosing and mutilating people for
their own profit.
Aluminum Silicate itself deemed to be benign itself even
though Aluminum can break down inside the body into
particles the react similar to Beta Radiation contaminated
particles. Beta Radiation is a known high speed cancer
causing agent.
Dump the Non-Dairy creamers and burn those who commit
the malpractitionors.
Steve Blonske
GySgt USMC Retired
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Attention Non-Dairy Creamer Users, 12/26/10, by Steve Blonske.