Post: Psychiatric abuse

Posted by Joshua Hinesley on 2/16/12
I feel like I have been taken advantage of by the entier psychiatric community. I was sent to Carolinas Hospital by my doctor at the time, a man who never talks to me about my problems, only prescribes me dangerous medications. I have much mental trauma and questions about God, my soul, and the spirit world that are never discussed. Once at the hospital, I was never examined by any doctors when law says that two doctors must examine you to be committed. The doctor merely told me his paperwork was already done for him so he had me committed to the mental hospital. All this time, I was merely having a spiritual crises but they called it psychosis. While committed, I tried to talk to my doctor about my spirituality asking about the spirit world once out loud. I was consequently diagnosed schizoaffective. I protested daily about the medications, saying that I preferred natural treatment like psychotherapy, meditation, prayer, and natural supplements like fish oil, that taking the medicines offended me religiously. I was threatened with electroshock therapy as a result. Finally I was put through some kind of trial but the attorney assigned me did not even try to defend me and I was not allowed to speak at all. I was court ordered to recieve outpatient therapy where I am now being force drugged both orally and with injections. My health and appreciation of life are fleeing me and I am at my wits end. I feel like I am being persecuted for my spirituality and for being bipolar. I honestly just want to get off the medicines, get a job, get back on my feet and be a normal member of society but the medicines render me disabled, too stupefied to do anything. I am desperate for some kind of legal advice or assistance but so far have found none. I want to overcome this and be a psychiatry survivor.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Psychiatric abuse, 2/16/12, by Joshua Hinesley.