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    Post: Is this Medical Malpractice??

    Posted by S. W. Sheridan on 9/22/06

    My father passed away of a Massive Heart Attack in
    December of 2004. He had been taking high class narcotic
    medication for years and come to find out the drug store
    had been selling him almost 3 or 4 times the amount that
    he was prescribed to take every 30 days. His medicaid
    would not allow him to get his extra prescriptions filled
    but since he was paying cash for them they kept selling
    them to him. Finally his doctor found out and they cut him
    off. He started acting really weird and I had called 911.
    I begged the doctors to put him in a Detox center
    somewhere but they would not help, they actually gave him
    more pills. My Dad is dead now and I believe that had a
    heart attack because of the withdrawls from the narcotics
    he was taken off of. I have finally obtained a copy of his
    medication records from the Pharmacy now I need to know
    what to do. Thank you for any help that you could be to me.

    Thanks again,

    Shaun Sheridan

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Is this Medical Malpractice??, 9/22/06, by S. W. Sheridan.
  • Re: Is this Medical Malpractice??, 11/01/06, by Nina.
  • Re: Is this Medical Malpractice??, 11/08/06, by Nurse Administrator for Medical Facility.
  • Re: Is this Medical Malpractice??, 1/06/07, by Attorney/Nurse.

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