Post: bucket handle meniscus tear- 90% removed

Posted by Lynch on 2/18/12
I'm a 35yr old male due to fall at work was sent to a ortho surgeon who for 2months couldnt find anything even tho mri stated meniscus tear. In sept he went in for exploratory surgery if he was to find anything he would repair it. I was told after surgery that it was the biggest tear he seen & he had removed it. . Walked out of hospital. Had another mri stated lrg effusion & loose meniscus particles, now fortunately for me workmans comp let me get a secound opinion. This dr stated to me & i have a copy of his report that 90% of the meniscus was removed from from my knee so now bone on bone-would need a knee replacement within 10 yrs while being in pain which will increase to unbearable. Informed me that the tear should have been repaired & that i need to contact workmans comp and have them pay to retrain me because i will not be able to be able to return to work as a mason, which i have done for the last 14yrs. DO I HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- bucket handle meniscus tear- 90% removed, 2/18/12, by Lynch.