Post: Mom almost died

Posted by Amy on 5/23/15
My Mom had surgery on 4/30. She had a hysterectomy, bladder tact, and rectasil. Her ovaries and appendix were taken out as well, but there was no consent to this. Her surgery was only supposed to be 3 hours and it ended up being over 5. She was very pale when she was brought into her room. She was started on antibiotics right after surgery.the next day she had to have a bag of blood. Her blood pressure dropped to 50/80 and she was taken to CCU.She was given fluids and antibiotics. She also had pneumonia. She was given lasix for the pnuemonia along with steroids. She started having problems with edema. None of the doctors would tell me or my siblings what was going on. They would not tell my Mom either. She also had a sub pubic catheter which kept leaking. She went home ten days later. The next day the incision where the catheter was began oozing blood and pus. I called her doctor and he said this was normal. I took her to another hospital and they did a ct scan of her stomach and it showed an abscess. Urine was leaking into her stomach and it caused the abscess. She had to have emergency surgery to drain the abscess. We also found out she had staph. She had to go on isolation and be given antibiotics she also had to have a wound vac for her stomach. The hospital where she had her surgery knew she had staph and did not tell any of us about it. Two of the nurses in CCU told us she had sepsis. THis was at the other hospital. she had to stay almost three weeks between both hospitals. She is having to have home health care to chamchange the dressings in her stomach and replace parts for the wound vac. She also has to have physical therapy. What I want to know is if there is something that can be done about what happened to her? Thanks.
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- Mom almost died, 5/23/15, by Amy.