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    Post: no anesthesia!

    Posted by Melanie on 7/02/15

    So I was 4 months pregnant when I had a routine urine test
    that showed an abnormal amount of protein. The doctor told
    me I should have a amnio test done because he thought my
    baby might have down syndrome. I did the test, two weeks
    later I start leaking the amnio fluid. Went to the hospital
    on 3 seperate occasions, because I didn't feel right, they
    sent me home telling me its just urine. Was a waitress, go
    back to work, and I start hemorrhaging at work. Go to the
    hospital, they tell me I have to stay, my baby was breech,
    had 15% chance of survival, and no fluid. So I said I tried
    to tell you 3 times about the fluid, they said one drop of
    urine mixed with amnio fluid will just appear to be urine.
    A month and a half later I'm still in the hospital, going
    into labor in the early hours of the morning, the
    anesthesiologist is not there, but driving in fog from
    selma, which is 15 to 20 min. away. Her heartbeat is slow,
    there is no other anestheologist in the hospital, at all
    that I knew of. They tell me she's dying, and they can't do
    anything until the guy gets there. I tell them to do it
    anyways, I didn't want her to die. Her chances were up to
    50/50 because I was 5 and a half months at this point. They
    give me a local, that only numbs the first couple of layers
    of skin, and I had a c-section. Yes I felt everything, yes
    it still is a traumatizing event haunts me. The guy shows
    up when there pulling her out, I hear them saying she isn't
    breathing get ready to resuscitate her, and then he puts me
    out for them to stitch me up. The problem, I was too young
    to understand what my rights were. I had signed a form
    before the operation, and I thought I couldn't do anything
    to them for what they did to me. Its a decision I regret
    everyday. I was just grateful that she lived, and yes, she
    lived. She's 17 now, she never had down syndrome. She
    didn't escape untouched by this event, she has under
    developed lungs from the premature labor. She is 17 now,
    and she's always had learning disabilities, she is almost
    blind on her left eye, and her spine is now beginning to
    have scolisosis. I dont want her life to be so difficult,
    and everything could have been prevented. The doctor was
    wrong, the hospital was wrong, and it's 17 years later and
    she still suffers. She was only 1 pound 11 ounces, she's so
    petite, and fragile, shes only 92 pounds. Is it too late to
    make they pay her back something for everything she's been
    through? Sorry if I misspelled anything.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • no anesthesia!, 7/02/15, by Melanie.

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