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    Post: Law Firm Wins Large Settlement in Delivery Nurse Negligence

    Posted by Justin Davis on 11/25/18

    Law Firm Wins Large Settlement in Delivery Nurse Negligence

    Delivery and labor nurses allegedly failed to follow
    hospital protocols during childbirth, which is believed to
    have caused irreversible brain damage to the baby.

    Hampton & King’s medical malpractice and negligence team
    secured a large settlement for a family  whose baby was
    born with irreversible brain damage due to alleged delivery
    nurse negligence. The  settlement that Hampton & King
    secured is sufficient enough to enable the family to take
    care of the  child for the rest of his life. 

    During the delivery, nurses allegedly failed following the
    hospital protocol on giving the patient  Pitocin – a drug
    used to augment labor. 

    The hospital’s Pitocin policy simplifies the delivery and
    makes fetal injury impossible. Nurses are  provided with a
    checklist that is to be completed before the administration
    of Pitocin and after. The  aim of the policy is to ensure
    the correct administration of the drug that may otherwise
    cause  excessive uterine contractions. 

    In the specific situation, the nurses did not follow the
    hospital protocol, Hampton & King alleged. The  law firm
    posited that this resulted in excessive uterine
    contractions that contributed to fetal distress,  which is
    why the baby was born with brain damage. 

    Pitocin is a synthetic branded version of oxytocin – a
    hormone that induces labor in the female body.  Its use is
    recommended in the case of pregnancies that last for more
    than 41 weeks and high blood  pressure at full term. At the
    same time, the synthetic version of the hormone is highly
    potent. It  makes the delivery process faster and much more

    Hampton & King

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  • Law Firm Wins Large Settlement in Delivery Nurse Negligence , 11/25/18, by Justin Davis.

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