Re: Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????
Posted by one will try to help you on 10/19/07
Hello Barbara hope you are fine pls email me and send me your contact i will contact you and will talk more about this when you email me please tell me the time durations if you can thx On 7/04/07, Barb wrote: > PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, aren't there ANY med. mal. attorneys > that take cases that are more about PAIN AND SUFFERING FOR > TWO YEARS, as opposed to LIFE LONG issues (i.e. loss of > limb, etc.) WHAT ABOUT ME??? WHAT about LOSING my JOB, my > "LIFE" as I knew it?? I was "ignored" post (R) ankle tendon > reconstruction, when I returned to surgeon SIX months later > and told her "I can't TOUCH the incision, I can't weight > bear still, I can't even lay on the right side because I > can't take the pressure on my ankle. She "dismisses" me, I > go to Pain Mgmt, HE MISDIAGNOSES me, puts a SPINAL CORD > STIMULATOR in (THE most TRAUMATIC surgery EVER!!!), I > EVENTUALLY find a GOOD doctor, he diagnoses in FIFTEEN > minutes what the other TWO missed, I had a "trapped" nerve, > NEVER needed SCS. Had THIRD surgery, nerve was released > (yeah), then had FOURTH surgery to remove SCS; however, it > CAN'T be totally removed because leads are scarred over in > my spine. NOW I'm faced with LIFE LONG issues of varying > nature: treatments I'll NEVER be able to get for back pain > because my spine has been "compromised" (per Chiropracter), > I can NEVER get an MRI (NOT good for someone who suffers > debilitating Migraines), plus the obvious pain in the a$&37; > issues of security systems and NEVER being able to go > anywhere without the card that says I have metal in my back > and finally, WHO KNOWS what long term issues I MAY face due > to the leads?????? I almost lost my MIND from the pain. . > that doesn't COUNT??? My income is now a JOKE!! How about > that?? My co pays for scripts is off the charts, never mind > $500/month for COBRA, how about that??? Doesn't ANY of this > warrant a CASE??????? Please. . .SOMEONE . . help me!!!! > Barbara
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????, 7/04/07, by Barb .
- Re: Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????, 10/19/07, by one will try to help you.
- Re: Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????, 11/02/07, by Tonya.