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    Post: Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????

    Posted by Barb on 7/04/07

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, aren't there ANY med. mal. attorneys
    that take cases that are more about PAIN AND SUFFERING FOR
    TWO YEARS, as opposed to LIFE LONG issues (i.e. loss of
    limb, etc.) WHAT ABOUT ME??? WHAT about LOSING my JOB, my
    "LIFE" as I knew it?? I was "ignored" post (R) ankle tendon
    reconstruction, when I returned to surgeon SIX months later
    and told her "I can't TOUCH the incision, I can't weight
    bear still, I can't even lay on the right side because I
    can't take the pressure on my ankle. She "dismisses" me, I
    go to Pain Mgmt, HE MISDIAGNOSES me, puts a SPINAL CORD
    STIMULATOR in (THE most TRAUMATIC surgery EVER!!!), I
    EVENTUALLY find a GOOD doctor, he diagnoses in FIFTEEN
    minutes what the other TWO missed, I had a "trapped" nerve,
    NEVER needed SCS. Had THIRD surgery, nerve was released
    (yeah), then had FOURTH surgery to remove SCS; however, it
    CAN'T be totally removed because leads are scarred over in
    my spine. NOW I'm faced with LIFE LONG issues of varying
    nature: treatments I'll NEVER be able to get for back pain
    because my spine has been "compromised" (per Chiropracter),
    I can NEVER get an MRI (NOT good for someone who suffers
    debilitating Migraines), plus the obvious pain in the a$%
    issues of security systems and NEVER being able to go
    anywhere without the card that says I have metal in my back
    and finally, WHO KNOWS what long term issues I MAY face due
    to the leads?????? I almost lost my MIND from the pain. .
    that doesn't COUNT??? My income is now a JOKE!! How about
    that?? My co pays for scripts is off the charts, never mind
    $500/month for COBRA, how about that??? Doesn't ANY of this
    warrant a CASE??????? Please. . .SOMEONE . . help me!!!!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????, 7/04/07, by Barb .
  • Re: Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????, 10/19/07, by one will try to help you.
  • Re: Medical Malpractice? Neglicence? Pain & Suffering?????, 11/02/07, by Tonya.

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