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    Re: medical negligence

    Posted by carol on 4/15/08

    No way of telling from this post. get your medical records
    and take them to an attorney who specializes in medical
    malpractice. They will have nurses and doctors review your
    records to ascertain whether you have a malpractice case.
    It sounds like someone missed something from your post, but
    impossible to say whether or not its a viable case without
    more info. good luck.

    On 3/28/08, candace wrote:
    > In June of last year, i was in a minor car accident. A few
    > days later i went to the hospital, because my whole chest
    > was bruised from the airbag. While i was there, the doctor
    > performed a visual exam of my chest, and sent me home.
    > After that, i started having alot of stomach pain and
    > nausea whenever i ate anything. I wrote it off as
    > complications due to a surgery i had had a couple of years
    > ago. In october, i passed out from serious pain, and was
    > taken to the hospital, where they did an xray, and
    > diagnosed me with constipation.
    > Several days later, i passed out again, and my son called
    > the ambulance. At the hospital, they found i was in
    > critical condition due to an intestinal blockage, and air
    > lifted me to a larger town for emergency surgery. During
    > the surgery, they found that i had sustained a tear in my
    > stomach lining, and the intestine fell through it, wrapped
    > around itself cutting off circulation, and they removed
    > 19' of it, leaving me with 3' of live intestine.
    > They then inserted iv's into my chest, and when i was home
    > again, a nurse came everyday to hook up a nutrition bag,
    > due to the fact that with three feet of intestine, it was
    > likely that it wouldnt absorb nutrients from food i was
    > eating, because it was too short.
    > in february, i went back into the hospital with sepsis,
    > from the iv's in my skin, and had to have them removed;
    > now i have constant diahrea, to the point that i spend
    > hours in the bathroom daily.
    > Im needing advice on whether or not i have a case to stand
    > on, were i to file a suit.
    > Thank you for your attention.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • medical negligence, 3/28/08, by candace.
  • Re: medical negligence, 4/15/08, by carol.

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