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    Re: Father died 2 wks after Laparoscopic Gallbladder surger

    Posted by Amy on 10/02/08

    On 10/02/08, Amy wrote:
    > This is just a brief summary of what happened... My father
    > had Laparoscopic surgery on 9/02 and passed away 9/17 of
    > this year, he was only 56 years old. He was told he would
    > be home that evening. After surgery the surgeon commented
    > that he had really earned his money today, that it had
    > been very hard and difficult to remove but he had gotten
    > it out. He said they had placed a drain in his side
    > because he had some left over bile and we were told that
    > he would be kept overnight just as a precaution. Then the
    > next day he was moved to CCU, they said just for
    > observation puposes and that they may have to go back in
    > on Friday (9/05) and see if their was a leak somewhere
    > because he was draining way more bile than they
    > anticipated. But as Friday approached they decided to wait
    > until Monday, meanwhile my father is still draining large
    > ammounts of bile and is not able to eat or drink anything
    > oraly or by tube or IV. So Monday (9/08) they take him
    > down to endo. to perform the procedure. But they had to
    > stop midway through because they claim he was having
    > trouble breathing due to his sleep apnea, to which was
    > already known to doctors. So they rescheduled for Weds.
    > (9/10), my father still is not able to drink or eat
    > anything and still draining alot of bile. At this point he
    > has started hallucinating and having very paranoid
    > thoughts and ideas. We thought it was the pain medicine,
    > which could be but I have since read of a similar case
    > where patient began to have same effects ...(see link).
    > Wednesday procedure was finaly done and we were told it
    > was a success and leak was found and repaired, that he
    > would stop draining bile. But he did not... and we were
    > continually told he was doing better and he was moved to a
    > progressive ward and finally allowed to try to eat...
    > which made him vomit up blood. His White blood cell count
    > was high. They said he may need a blood transfusion. He
    > continued to drain large ammounts of bile and have trouble
    > eating and wbc continued to rise. He finally had a bowel
    > movement on 9/16, which looked like bile. He had a blood
    > transfusion on 9/17 at about noon and was scheduled for
    > another later that day. He was sent back to his room were
    > at about 3:00 they said he was in respirtory distress and
    > he was transfered back to CCU, he coded a few minutes
    > after arriving their. And they could not bring him back.
    > They said his heart was beating fine but there was no
    > blood to pump. That he had a blood leak somewhere
    > internally and were not sure where. We have had an autopsy
    > performed and recieved preliminary results stating the
    > main cause to be A G.I bleed and Diverticulitis and
    > pancreatis as secondary contributing factors. I believe
    > the surgeon has made a terrible mistake when performing
    > original Surgery and cut or injured my father causing the
    > bile leak which in turn poisoned my fathers organs. Is
    > this a Wrongful death or Malpractice issue?

    (see link)

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Father died 2 wks after Laparoscopic Gallbladder surgery!, 10/02/08, by Amy.
  • Re: Father died 2 wks after Laparoscopic Gallbladder surger, 10/02/08, by Amy.
  • Re: Father died 2 wks after Laparoscopic Gallbladder surger, 10/25/09, by Lee Gunter.

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