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    Post: Tough litigators

    Posted by Debbie on 2/15/01

    We are conducting a survey for the May issue of California
    Lawyer magazine, looking for litigators who are known among
    their peers (but excluding the usual suspects) for their
    tough, aggressive or intimidating approach to the practice -
    - in fact, they cultivate such an image.

    Limited to California lawyers in civil practice. These are
    the ones who, as one source described it, are tough as
    nails, conduct a killer deposition, ride their associates
    hard, or have a hardball strategy before or during a

    We don't want to celebrate the real odious characters or
    the same five litigators who always get written about. We
    are thinking more along the lines of very challening
    opposing counsel who are also colorful characters in terms
    of what they introduce into their practice. People who,
    when you hear you are going up against them, make you
    shudder, but with grudging respect. Maybe some anecdotal

    Please send suggestions to me via e-mail. Thanks!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Tough litigators, 2/15/01, by Debbie.

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