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    Post: Have You Ever Wondered Why CasePost Relies on Telemarketers?

    Posted by Michael on 2/15/06

    The answer is obvious: CasePost and similar companies
    don’t really believe that Internet marketing is the best
    way to get clients.

    After all, if they did… they would be doing what they are
    trying to get you to do: spend truckloads of money on
    Internet advertising...

    However, in fact, most of the “Internet” companies get the
    bulk of their own clients through cold-calling. (So do the
    Yellow Page and newspaper reps.) And that’s not something
    that we can do, is it?

    The fact is, Internet advertising doesn’t always bring
    back a “return on investment.” In fact, the words “return
    on investment” are rarely acknowledged. These Internet
    companies would lead you to believe that spending more
    money (to the tune of $125,000+ for the "personal injury"
    category)... would bring you more clients.

    Of course, being lawyers, we know that effects don’t
    always equal causation (I knew that studying Torts &
    Causation would pay off someday!).

    – Michael

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    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Have You Ever Wondered Why CasePost Relies on Telemarketers?, 2/15/06, by Michael.
  • Re: Have You Ever Wondered Why CasePost Relies on Telemarket, 2/19/06, by Peter.

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