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    Re: Marketing Help or Hoax?

    Posted by Jeannette Ku on 4/24/06

    Anything that sounds too good to be true usually is just
    that. There is no easy money is this world.

    I am the webmaster for the site and dallas- My marketing advice to any
    attorney is to get a website and have it search engine
    optimized. These sites that I run are from the same law firm
    and that law firm has cancelled all its other means of
    advertising to use just their websites. We have their
    websites set up so that certain keyword phrases (that are
    typed into, say Google) will make our websites pop up at the
    top of search results. So if someone types in dallas divorce
    attorney into Google, our site pops up at about number 5 or
    6 in the search results.

    This takes time and a lot of work. Your site will start out
    at being invisible to Google, but once your headers and meta
    tags are named correctly with the right keyword phrases,
    Google's spiders will start to recognize your site. It can
    take anywhere from a couple of weeks, to months to get where
    you want to be in Google.

    My company can help you.

    Jeannette Ku
    SEO Specialist

    Dallas Divorce Attorneys

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  • Re: Marketing Help or Hoax?, 8/13/00, by Joe Wilson.
  • Re: Marketing Help or Hoax?, 6/07/01, by Bob Hilley.
  • Re: Marketing Help or Hoax?, 11/12/05, by Philip L Franckel, Esq..
  • Re: Marketing Help or Hoax?, 4/24/06, by Jeannette Ku.

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