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    Post: how do you get business referrals?

    Posted by Alex on 6/08/07

    hey everyone,

    Firstly, thanks to everyone who posts on this site - tons of
    great info here, very helpful!

    Secondly, I just quit a job with my uncle's bankruptcy
    practice and am looking to strike out on my own, and start
    my own practice.

    I am trying to build up a client base - how do those of you
    with your own businesses get business referrals? How did you
    get started? Do you use word of mouth or websites or what?
    Do you use forums like this one? On another board someone
    mentioned and some other referral
    sites. Anyone know anything about it, or if these referral
    sites actually work?

    Thus far I have joined 1 traffic exchange marketing program,
    1 email marketing program, sent letters to all my previous
    clients, sent letters to all my associates, and still plan
    on joining, and doing some type of
    search engine advertising. What have you
    guys done to promote yourselves?



    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • how do you get business referrals?, 6/08/07, by Alex.
  • Re: how do you get business referrals?, 8/08/07, by Nancy.

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