Re: I want to Start my own Records Retrieval Service
Posted by Melinda on 10/15/07
On 9/28/07, nick wrote: >Hey there I have a degree in criminology and have been thinking of doing the same thing. I am stumped as to how to get started. I think there is plenty demand for record retrieval and filing. It could be done from home with no overhead and could be something done for nationwide customers. Any feedback? > Start my own Records Retrieval Service > > Hey! I am a certified paralegal and have been working in > the legal office environment for about 6 months now. I > find that some law firms as having their records retrieved > by outside source. I am thinking about doing this on my > own, setting up shop and retrieving records for anyone > that needs them. I am sure I can do it cheaper than those > big records retrieval firm because they charge around 700$ > for a couple of documents. > > Do you think there is demand for such a service and how > will I attract new customers? What will be the best way to > attract law firms as clients? > How will my adverting work out? > What skills are needed to care out this task?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- I want to Start my own Records Retrieval Service, 9/28/07, by nick.
- Re: I want to Start my own Records Retrieval Service, 10/15/07, by Melinda.