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    Re: How does one market to Lawyers?

    Posted by al on 10/31/07

    The point didn't even come close to answering the questons.. and
    if you're so full of yourself you hang up over someone not being
    able to pronouce your name.. Well.. that pretty much sums up

    On 10/26/07, Rob wrote:
    > I think his point was that we do not have time to deal with
    > calls soliciting how a company can increase out client base by
    > 500&37; yada yada and it will only cost us our liver and spleen.
    > I personally hang up once the person on the phone mispronounces
    > my name or there is an obvious pause on the phone caused by
    > predictive dialers.
    > On 10/25/07, Steven wrote:
    >> Well Ozarks Lawyer.. You managed to tell him how not to market
    >> to a lawyer.. Is there a second part, where you actually
    >> answer the question? Or do you specialize in just saying what
    >> not to do?
    >> On 10/03/07, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    >>> If it's a phone call, the staff takes a message and throw it
    >>> in the trash. If it's mail, the staff opens, date-stamps,
    >>> sorts and gives it me. Then I throw it in the trash.
    >>> On 10/03/07, Dave wrote:
    >>>> Hi All,
    >>>> I have a question for you. I would like to know what is the
    >>>> best method of contacting a lawyer for sale of service. I
    >>>> am not a fan of cold calling or just walking an hoping to
    >>>> get some face time. I am wondering would it be best to do a
    >>>> marketing mailing of services via snail mail or is there
    >>>> another preferred method of contact?
    >>>> I appreciate an insight that can be offered.
    >>>> Thanks,
    >>>> Dave

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/03/07, by Dave .
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/03/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/17/07, by Philip Franckel.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/25/07, by Steven.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/26/07, by Rob.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/27/07, by Inland Empire Lawyer.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/31/07, by al.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 11/03/07, by Rob.

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