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    Re: How does one market to Lawyers?

    Posted by Rob on 11/03/07

    I am not simply not interested in discussing any "million dollar
    opportunities" over the phone. Put it in writing and if I like
    what I see, I may call you.

    On 10/31/07, al wrote:
    > The point didn't even come close to answering the questons.. and
    > if you're so full of yourself you hang up over someone not being
    > able to pronouce your name.. Well.. that pretty much sums up
    > everything....
    > On 10/26/07, Rob wrote:
    >> I think his point was that we do not have time to deal with
    >> calls soliciting how a company can increase out client base by
    >> 500&37; yada yada and it will only cost us our liver and spleen.
    >> I personally hang up once the person on the phone mispronounces
    >> my name or there is an obvious pause on the phone caused by
    >> predictive dialers.
    >> On 10/25/07, Steven wrote:
    >>> Well Ozarks Lawyer.. You managed to tell him how not to market
    >>> to a lawyer.. Is there a second part, where you actually
    >>> answer the question? Or do you specialize in just saying what
    >>> not to do?
    >>> On 10/03/07, Ozarks Lawyer wrote:
    >>>> If it's a phone call, the staff takes a message and throw it
    >>>> in the trash. If it's mail, the staff opens, date-stamps,
    >>>> sorts and gives it me. Then I throw it in the trash.
    >>>> On 10/03/07, Dave wrote:
    >>>>> Hi All,
    >>>>> I have a question for you. I would like to know what is the
    >>>>> best method of contacting a lawyer for sale of service. I
    >>>>> am not a fan of cold calling or just walking an hoping to
    >>>>> get some face time. I am wondering would it be best to do a
    >>>>> marketing mailing of services via snail mail or is there
    >>>>> another preferred method of contact?
    >>>>> I appreciate an insight that can be offered.
    >>>>> Thanks,
    >>>>> Dave

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/03/07, by Dave .
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/03/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/17/07, by Philip Franckel.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/25/07, by Steven.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/26/07, by Rob.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/27/07, by Inland Empire Lawyer.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 10/31/07, by al.
  • Re: How does one market to Lawyers?, 11/03/07, by Rob.

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