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    Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms

    Posted by Blake on 11/30/07

    Post that website Chief.. I would like to see how a true
    lawyer/graphic designer/programmer/advertising executive, creates
    and promotes a quality website..

    I think you're missing my point.... That's the problem with most
    lawyers, they think they have everything all figured out.. waste
    thousands of dollars trying to do something they have absolutely no
    knowledge of.. When they should just avoid the court room and Stick
    to settling cases..

    On 11/16/07, Rob wrote:
    > I am doing just fine without one of the millions already living in
    > their mom's basement with their "great ideas" to make me
    > millions. I am pefectfully capable of designing my own website
    > and submitting it to search engines. My website will not look
    > like it was designed by a 5 year old, I won't have to pay someone
    > thousands to update it, and I can ensure it complies with my state
    > bar association's rules of professional conduct.
    > If they are not willing to put their "great idea" in writing, I am
    > not even going to speak to them. Most of the "great ideas" are
    > the same ole "pay me $10 per lead that comes from my website that
    > could have been designed my 5 yr old little sister/daughter.
    > I will give you my secondary email address so you can put it in
    > writing. If they are not willing to put it in writing, they can
    > go rip someone else off.
    > On 11/10/07, Blake wrote:
    >> so there are really that many people living in mom's basement
    >> doing nothing but thinking of great ideas for lawyers.. and then
    >> calling them??? If you're not already, get a job with a large
    >> firm, because with that mindset, you'll never make it on your
    >> own.. and will probably end up living in your mom's basement..
    >> On 11/03/07, Rob wrote:
    >>> I am a young lawyer and I am one of the ones who will hang up
    >>> on the 1,000,000 people working out of their mom's basement
    >>> with a "million dollar opportunity." Put it in writing and
    >>> then maybe I will call you.
    >>> On 11/02/07, Al wrote:
    >>>> Good Advice. Those old dinosaurs are slowly dying off due to
    >>>> not being able to conform to new media practices that are
    >>>> needed for any law firm to continue to have success. It's a
    >>>> competitve market place, I have to laugh at these high brow
    >>>> jerks that make comments like, " if the caller mis-
    >>>> pronounces my name, I hang up." That's the dumbest comment
    >>>> I've heard to date... How full of yourself can you be? It
    >>>> takes 2-3 minutes to listen to what a marketer has to say..
    >>>> If intersted, request info, if not, ask to be removed from
    >>>> the call list.. it's that simple....
    >>>> On 11/01/07, Kurt wrote:
    >>>>> Dave,
    >>>>> If you are trying to market your product to lawyers the
    >>>>> most important thing is to be confident in what you have,
    >>>>> and even more importantly you have to be persistent. My
    >>>>> advice to you is to focus on younger lawyers that are more
    >>>>> perceptive to new ideas. Lawyers like "Ozark man" are like
    >>>>> dinosaurs and they will never accept the product that you
    >>>>> are offering them. I have seen my product double the
    >>>>> client inquiries of every Law Firm that I have sold to,
    >>>>> but even with that track record old lawyers are not
    >>>>> willing to change... find the young ones and help them
    >>>>> grow and eventually surpass the "old school" lawyers.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/01/07, by Kurt.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/02/07, by Al.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/02/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/03/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/10/07, by Blake.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/16/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/30/07, by Blake.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/05/07, by Mike C..
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/08/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/12/07, by Mike C..
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/14/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/20/07, by Mike C.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/20/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/30/07, by Jenny.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 1/04/08, by Mike C.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 1/04/08, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 1/04/08, by Levi Barker.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 5/08/08, by HC.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 5/16/08, by unhappy.
  • Re: Job Market, 5/16/08, by !!!.
  • Re: Job Market, 5/16/08, by webby.
  • Re: Job Market, 5/16/08, by naw.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 7/11/08, by Levi Barker.

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