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    Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms

    Posted by Mike C. on 12/12/07

    Well, actually you did. Read over your post.
    On 12/08/07, Rob wrote:
    > I never claimed to be a web designer. I was merely stating that
    > there are a million want to be legal match and legal fish "marketers"
    > out there who could not wet a paper bag in the middle of the ocean.
    > On 12/05/07, Mike C. wrote:
    >> Good Point. If a lawyer is representing his clients as he should,
    >> chances are he/she is not going to have the time it takes to do what
    >> was suggested in the post by Rob. Rob, if you have the time to spend
    >> designing websites and doing graphic design and media plans, I would
    >> say great! Why not go into advertising and forget about law?
    >> FYI: I'm in need of back surgery, thinking about doing it myself!:-)
    >> On 11/30/07, Blake wrote:
    >>> Post that website Chief.. I would like to see how a true
    >>> lawyer/graphic designer/programmer/advertising executive, creates
    >>> and promotes a quality website..
    >>> I think you're missing my point.... That's the problem with most
    >>> lawyers, they think they have everything all figured out.. waste
    >>> thousands of dollars trying to do something they have absolutely no
    >>> knowledge of.. When they should just avoid the court room and Stick
    >>> to settling cases..
    >>> On 11/16/07, Rob wrote:
    >>>> I am doing just fine without one of the millions already living in
    >>>> their mom's basement with their "great ideas" to make me
    >>>> millions. I am pefectfully capable of designing my own website
    >>>> and submitting it to search engines. My website will not look
    >>>> like it was designed by a 5 year old, I won't have to pay someone
    >>>> thousands to update it, and I can ensure it complies with my state
    >>>> bar association's rules of professional conduct.
    >>>> If they are not willing to put their "great idea" in writing, I am
    >>>> not even going to speak to them. Most of the "great ideas" are
    >>>> the same ole "pay me $10 per lead that comes from my website that
    >>>> could have been designed my 5 yr old little sister/daughter.
    >>>> I will give you my secondary email address so you can put it in
    >>>> writing. If they are not willing to put it in writing, they can
    >>>> go rip someone else off.
    >>>> On 11/10/07, Blake wrote:
    >>>>> so there are really that many people living in mom's basement
    >>>>> doing nothing but thinking of great ideas for lawyers.. and then
    >>>>> calling them??? If you're not already, get a job with a large
    >>>>> firm, because with that mindset, you'll never make it on your
    >>>>> own.. and will probably end up living in your mom's basement..
    >>>>> On 11/03/07, Rob wrote:
    >>>>>> I am a young lawyer and I am one of the ones who will hang up
    >>>>>> on the 1,000,000 people working out of their mom's basement
    >>>>>> with a "million dollar opportunity." Put it in writing and
    >>>>>> then maybe I will call you.
    >>>>>> On 11/02/07, Al wrote:
    >>>>>>> Good Advice. Those old dinosaurs are slowly dying off due to
    >>>>>>> not being able to conform to new media practices that are
    >>>>>>> needed for any law firm to continue to have success. It's a
    >>>>>>> competitve market place, I have to laugh at these high brow
    >>>>>>> jerks that make comments like, " if the caller mis-
    >>>>>>> pronounces my name, I hang up." That's the dumbest comment
    >>>>>>> I've heard to date... How full of yourself can you be? It
    >>>>>>> takes 2-3 minutes to listen to what a marketer has to say..
    >>>>>>> If intersted, request info, if not, ask to be removed from
    >>>>>>> the call list.. it's that simple....
    >>>>>>> On 11/01/07, Kurt wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Dave,
    >>>>>>>> If you are trying to market your product to lawyers the
    >>>>>>>> most important thing is to be confident in what you have,
    >>>>>>>> and even more importantly you have to be persistent. My
    >>>>>>>> advice to you is to focus on younger lawyers that are more
    >>>>>>>> perceptive to new ideas. Lawyers like "Ozark man" are like
    >>>>>>>> dinosaurs and they will never accept the product that you
    >>>>>>>> are offering them. I have seen my product double the
    >>>>>>>> client inquiries of every Law Firm that I have sold to,
    >>>>>>>> but even with that track record old lawyers are not
    >>>>>>>> willing to change... find the young ones and help them
    >>>>>>>> grow and eventually surpass the "old school" lawyers.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/01/07, by Kurt.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/02/07, by Al.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/02/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/03/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/10/07, by Blake.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/16/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 11/30/07, by Blake.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/05/07, by Mike C..
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/08/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/12/07, by Mike C..
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/14/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/20/07, by Mike C.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/20/07, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 12/30/07, by Jenny.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 1/04/08, by Mike C.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 1/04/08, by Rob.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 1/04/08, by Levi Barker.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 5/08/08, by HC.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 5/16/08, by unhappy.
  • Re: Job Market, 5/16/08, by !!!.
  • Re: Job Market, 5/16/08, by webby.
  • Re: Job Market, 5/16/08, by naw.
  • Re: Marketing/ Sales to lawyers and law firms, 7/11/08, by Levi Barker.

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