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    Post: Monetizing attorney (services) website

    Posted by Nicole on 1/13/08

    ttorneys (or anyone who knows the answer):

    Is anyone aware of any rules of professional conduct,
    anywhere, that prohibit monetizing an attorney website?

    I believe that, no matter what, there is a very fine line
    for attorneys....but I personally think that line depends on
    the image you want to project. (Just last night I saw a
    white Ford truck with a large alligator painted on it that
    was advertising the services of a "TOUGH LITIGATOR." This is
    something I personally would never do...but to each his own.
    It probably works!)

    For example, I can't think of a reason why a google search
    bar embedded in the site would be objectionable, or certain
    relevant publications.

    However, I can think of several scenarios that could result
    in trouble. I have an extensive links disclaimer but would
    be very interested in case law, law review articles or rules
    that address this issue.

    I do a lot of business classes and consulting, and really
    want to be able to promote certain products or services on
    my site that would be helpful to the business owner, or even
    in my family law practice...

    Anyway, I really would like to hear if anyone knows of
    specific prohibitions on this issue, or cases, or anything.


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  • Monetizing attorney (services) website, 1/13/08, by Nicole.

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