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    Post: Why Your Law Firm Needs SEO

    Posted by Ken on 5/10/10

    How do you advertise your law firm on the Internet? Do you
    use paid ads (Pay-Per-Click ads)?

    What if you could get more traffic to your web site
    without paying over and over for your PPC ads?

    SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of
    optimizing your web site for increased rankings on search
    engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. This means your law
    firm will rank higher on the search results of someone
    who’s looking for the services you provide. Best of all,
    SEO is a lower cost compared to PPC ads and is part of a
    long-term strategy for lead generation into your web site.

    Here are some reasons you should consider lowering or
    eliminate your PPC ad budget and use SEO for online leads
    into your web site:

    Why Your Law Firm Needs SEO

    False PPC Leads – Not everyone that clicks on your ads are
    there to buy from you. Some may click by mistake; some may
    click your law firm ad and decide to look elsewhere; there
    are even some that will use your PPC ads to commit click

    What does this mean to you?

    PPC ads are made to attract visitors to click through to
    your law firm web site, but most of those clicks could
    result in a false click through rate and higher cost to

    SEO Is a Long-Term Strategy –What about a long-term
    strategy for leads into your web site? Will someone
    searching on the Internet find your law firm 2, 4 or even
    6 months from now without added costs to you for Internet

    With SEO, your results on search engines like Google, Bing
    and Yahoo will stay there for months, maybe even years.
    With PPC ads, if you don’t keep adding money for your ads,
    your law firm won’t show up and no one will click through
    to your web site.

    The Costs of PPC – Business costs money, right? What if
    you could lower or eliminate your cost of advertising
    while still showing up when someone searches for your

    SEO will do this for you – building a strong organic
    search engine ranking on targeted keyphrases has a lower
    financial cost than PPC ads and will last longer without
    the need to keep spending your hard-earned money.

    Online Search Gets the Majority of Visitors – What do you
    do when you want to find a product or service? You open up
    your computer and do an Internet search for it, right?

    Now think about someone who needs your law firm’s
    services – how will they find you? When they search on
    targeted keyphrases, will they find your web site listed
    on the top results?

    Research shows that most Internet users select the first
    results on a search for what they are looking for. If your
    law firm is listed there, you may have a new client. If
    you’re not listed, your competition may have just got a
    new client.

    Do you want more web exposure and cases for your law firm
    while lowering your costs for Internet advertising? Then
    get started today, contact SearchXcel at 877-400-0252 ext.
    302 or email us at and see how your
    expenses will decrease while more leads and clients will

    Why Your Law Firm Needs SEO – A Look at SEO and PPC Ads

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Why Your Law Firm Needs SEO , 5/10/10, by Ken.
  • Re: Why Your Law Firm Needs SEO , 1/11/11, by Five Minute Guru.

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