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    Post: Representation:

    Posted by Bill Kerney on 9/04/00

    I am seeking an attorney for a RICO action against Lockheed Martin, the city of San Diego (city manager and city council), the San Diego District
    Attorney and the San Diego Police Department. Lockheed Martin has built and maintains an automated red light ticketing system built that falsely
    places autos inside an intersection when they claim the traffic light turns red. With 17 intersection now covered by this system, it is handing out from
    3,000 to 4,000 tickets per month which cost $270. If you take into account the added insurance rates to San Diego drives and the fact the city is ready
    to double this system soon San Diegans are facing one billion dollars of costs based on a flawed system this year alone. I estimate something on the
    order of 15% of the tickets prosecuted are wrong. I can help you find an expert witness and other ways if you are interested in this case.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Representation:, 9/04/00, by Bill Kerney.

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