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    Re: please help as quickly as possible.

    Posted by rrr on 5/12/03

    As I look at your post, I have a feeling that you English
    isn't good enough to get a job with the majority of law
    firms. My suggestion, and I don't know if this is possible,
    is that you go into the Turkish immigrant community, look for
    lawyers who market to that community, and offer to work for
    them as a translator/office help, etc. Then go take some
    intensive night courses in English writing skills. When you
    have mastered English, you can then concentrate on getting
    paralegal skills, but my guess is that by then you won't need
    to take a course.

    On 5/12/03, FUNDA OZESEN wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I finished my law school and bar trainee than became a
    > lawyer on August 2002 in Turkey. Five months a go I
    > married and moved to Montclair, NJ. Now I'm looking for a
    > job, both I have a law background and I want to use this,
    > I'm looking for a job in legal field. At this moment I
    > dont think to take the bar exam, I thougth I could find a
    > job in a law office at least as aoffice stuff but I saw
    > that it's difficult too. Because everybody is looking for
    > an experiance in USA or a certificate taken from USA. This
    > showed me that I need to go in a certification program.
    > But I don't know which is better for finding a job or
    > making good money, paralegal certification program or
    > legal secretery or law office managament program.I f you
    > say paralegal certification program is certainly will help
    > me finding job, how long do you recommend for the
    > paralegal certification program to be? According to my
    > searches there are amount of opportunaties between 4
    > weeks to 2 year. Ofcourse I prefer to go to shortest one
    > because I finished university and this is for just finding
    > a job in USA but If you think that If I go with shortest
    > one it will be useless I wouldn't prefer it.
    > Anyway If you write me your ideas or advices I would be
    > really happy.Thanks a lot.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • please help as quickly as possible., 5/12/03, by FUNDA OZESEN.
  • Re: please help as quickly as possible., 5/12/03, by rrr.

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