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    Post: Associates Needed for Consumer Advocate Web Site

    Posted by g.allan on 5/20/03

    During the course of the past 6 months I have communicated
    with a number of law firms specializing in (consumer) class
    action issues in regards to a matter I am exploring which
    involves a very prominent mass retailer. I will serve as
    the class plaintiff if the matter moves forward.

    A principal from one of these firms concurs with my
    assessment that many class action suits are falling through
    the cracks and is interested in structuring a web site that
    elicits input from the masses, but maintains he has an
    extremely limited budget to pursue the venture. This was
    an unexpected revelation in light of the SUBSTANTIAL
    proceeds these law firms receive when a class action case
    is settled........typcially 25 to 33% percent. Yes, their
    expenses are considerable but they are in the position to
    accept only those cases which they are virtually assured
    the defendant will make a settlement offer, and I
    understand the majority of class action cases are settled.

    I am interested in communicating with parties who are in
    the position to contribute services (legal,web site design,
    advertisment/promotion funding) in exchange for referral
    fees. I have been led to believe law offices are permitted
    to submit referral fees which are not based on a percentage
    of their fee arrangment.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Associates Needed for Consumer Advocate Web Site, 5/20/03, by g.allan.

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