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    Re: Need more bankruptcies

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 10/09/03

    Dear Bob,

    Curious whether you file electronically, or by hard copy.
    After November 15, 2003, all local bankruptcies will have to
    be electronically filed.

    Want more bankruptcies? Advertise in the Classifieds.
    Right in the front of the Classifieds under the heading
    Public Notices or Announcements, as close as you can get to
    that. It is the best kept trade secret in the legal
    profession. Cheap compared to display ads and t.V. Other
    lawyers may snicker and say, "Poor old Bob, having to
    advertise in the Classifieds." What they don't know won't
    hurt them. You'll reach thousands that way. Also, write a
    little booklet entitled "Bankruptcy and How it Works,"
    something like that, and print up copies and give them away
    to everybody who comes into your office. They will pass them
    on to their friends. There is more to it all than this, but
    this is something to think about. Best of luck! Where are
    you practicing? I do bankruptcies, among other things. I am
    the cheapest attorney in town, but handling them still brings
    in money, cash flow. I use the cash to finance my accident
    cases. I take whatever they have got and are willing to put
    up as a retainer fee and open a file and start working on
    them. Once a debtor has decided to throw in the towell,
    there is no great rush to get the papers filed, but I do get
    it done. I do not do Thirteens. Another bankrutpcy attorney
    told me that he had come to the conclusion they are just not
    worth the trouble. I just never got into Thirteens. Suppose
    I should do some to just become familiar with them. As it is
    now, I let somebody else do them. Hope to hear back from
    you! Best of luck!


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA

    On 10/09/03, Bob W. wrote:
    > I do bankruptcies in the Boston/Eastern Mass. area. I want
    > more bankruptcies. I'm currently trying newspaper
    > advertising and thinking of a web site but doing bks is so
    > competitve here! The yellow pages are full of lawyers and
    > the price competition knocks the fees down to $500. I need
    > a new idea. Does anyone have a bright marketing idea?
    > Thanks.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Need more bankruptcies, 10/09/03, by Bob W..
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 10/09/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 10/10/03, by Jason Page.
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 10/25/03, by Hans.
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 11/01/03, by CD.
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 12/13/03, by Rob.
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 12/13/03, by Rob.
  • Re: Need more bankruptcies, 2/04/04, by Robbie Manning.

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