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    Re: Yellow Page Advertising

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 11/16/03

    Dear Ben,

    Yellow Page advertising must be worth the money, or the
    same lawyers would not keep running it year after year.
    Frankly, I never felt I could afford it as a sole
    practitioner. My phone bill was always high enough without
    tha extra burden. I have learned that classified
    advertising, although not in vogue, is the best-kept trade
    secret in the legal profession, especially if the message is
    that you will work with the clients on the fee. I have had
    great years and bad years in the legal proffession, and
    recently when my business fell off and my phone stopped
    ringing, I ran this ad in the very front of the classifieds,
    under Public Announcements:

    DON'T GET a court-appointed lawyer! You can afford me. Call
    me; let's talk! Hardy Parkerson, Attorney at Law, 3309
    Common Street; 478-6126.

    My phone began to ring off the wall. And it was not for
    criminal matters, but for other types of matter legal
    matters. Now I spend my whole day just interviewing new
    clients and opening new files. I have realized that the
    message is that I will work with the clients. There are
    thousands of potential clients out there who just do not
    have the money that most lawyers demand up front. We have
    always been told to get your money up front. Great if you
    can do it; but I found that I was always quoting reasonable
    fees that people either could not pay or would not pay. So I
    learned to just ask them what they were able to pay and
    willing to pay, what they felt good about parting with, and
    that I would take that as a "retainer fee" and work against
    that. I tell them I will take that and write a receipt for
    it and they will not owe me any more until I sit down with
    them, tell them what I have done to earn their money, where
    we have been, where we are, where we need to go, and then
    they can decide if they are willing to invest any moe money
    in their own case. I tell them that sometimes I can
    complete the matter for the initial retainer fee. Of
    course, I do my accident cases on a one-third contingent
    fee, and that is where my real money is made. The other is
    lagniappe, cash flow, money in the pocket and to operate
    off of, to invest into my accident cases until I can get
    them settled or tried. There is more to it all than this,
    but this is something to think about. It has worked for
    me. Don't tell these other turkeys here in Lake Charles
    what I have discovered. I am sure they think, "Poor old
    Hardy, having to advertise in the classifieds!" What they
    don't know won't hurt them. Best of luck!


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA

    On 11/16/03, Ben Glass wrote:
    > Lots and lots of lawyers use Yellow Page (and its
    > competitors) advertising... yet most ads look exactly the
    > same.. this type of advertising can be very expensive.. I
    > wonder how many of you find your YP advertising to be of
    > value.. do you track (carefully) responses? If you feel
    > that your YP advertising is of value, what is it about
    > ad that you think makes it worthwhile...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Yellow Page Advertising, 11/16/03, by Ben Glass.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 11/16/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 1/08/04, by Gina Rubel.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 1/08/04, by Jimmie.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 4/20/04, by Rob.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 4/21/04, by Jeff.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 4/21/04, by Ben Glass.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 5/15/04, by Jefferson.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 5/16/04, by Ben Glass.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 5/21/04, by Ray King.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 5/24/04, by John.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 5/26/04, by shelley stangler.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 7/10/04, by Steve M..
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 8/06/04, by Andtrew Segal.
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 8/06/04, by . . ..
  • Re: Yellow Page Advertising, 4/09/05, by Anthony Castelli attorney.

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