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Welcome to the Misdemeanor Defense Chatboard. This Attorneys Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions about misdemenaor defense and misdemeanor defense attorneys.
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Latest posts on the Misdemeanor Defense Chatboard
- Re: First time petty theft misdeanor in santa clara county, 9/30/11, by Julie.
- two misdemeanors, 9/06/11, by shay.
- dwai...should I go to trial?, 5/25/11, by Jen.
- Re: Underage Drinking , 5/19/10, by Expungement Dude.
- Underage Drinking , 5/16/10, by JOHN.
- citation for furnishing alcohol to minor, 6/23/09, by PK.
- Don't know what to do anymore, 6/18/09, by L.
- First time petty theft misdeanor in santa clara county, 9/02/08, by Jill.
- speeding tickets on provisional license, 8/21/08, by Blair.
- Re: Traffic tickets, can they be expundged?, 1/19/08, by kcm.
- Re: Misdemeanor Theft Under $25 Eleven Years, 1/19/08, by kcm.
- Re: VOP, 11/13/07, by Curmudgeon.
- VOP, 11/13/07, by Heather.
- Re: Misdemeanor charge, 11/08/07, by Bryce.
- Re: provisional liscense consequences, 11/02/07, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: provisional liscense consequences, 11/01/07, by 00.
- provisional liscense consequences, 11/01/07, by Shaina .
- Misdmeanor embezzlement, 10/01/07, by Scaredtodeath.
- Extradition , 8/13/07, by Shawn Goble.
- first offense for petty theft, 6/24/07, by egads.
- Re: Misdemeanor Theft Under $25 Eleven Years, 6/18/07, by Sha_vancouver.
- Re: misdemeanor for petty theft, 6/18/07, by Sha_vancouver.
- Re: Traffic tickets, can they be expundged?, 6/18/07, by Sha_vancouver.
- Misdemeanor charge, 4/21/07, by Don.
- What happens next?, 4/20/07, by Cali.
- marijuana possession, 1/31/07, by AT.
- Re: Traffic Tickets, 1/07/07, by Bob Little.
- Traffic Tickets, 11/27/06, by Jaela.
- Misdemeanor Theft Under $25 Eleven Years, 11/12/06, by Nancy.
- Re: Seal juv. records, 10/14/06, by sharwinston.
- Re: provisional license and speeding ticket, 10/14/06, by sharwinston.
- Re: provisional license and speeding ticket, 10/12/06, by Curmudgeon.
- provisional license and speeding ticket, 10/11/06, by Jeff.
- Re: misdemeanor for petty theft, 7/13/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- misdemeanor for petty theft, 7/12/06, by choi lu.
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