Re: Georgia Bar Exam Prep
Posted by Ginger on 7/23/06
DJ - Good luck on the exam. I know it is happening in just a
few days! I am a CA attorney planning to take the bar in
February. I'd love to know any tips that you (or others)
learned in preparing for the exam. There are lots of subjects
on the GA bar that aren't part of the CA bar!
On 12/19/05, TD Kelly wrote:
> DJ-
> I took the attorney's GA bar last July (10 days after giving
> birth to my 2nd child - my first being only 14 months at the
> time - I don't recommend that route! LOL). I also took
> passed) the Maryland and Florida bars. I did Bar Bri for
> three exams. I paid for Maryland and took the classes in
> DC. I got the audio CD course for Florida so I studied on
> own. I just purchased the GA books from this board and
> studied on my own. So I recommend Bar Bri. You're just
> to have to sit for the one day test right? The MPT is
> easy I think they have something similar in CA right. I
> found it to be a test on time managment. There is a lot of
> information to read, digest and sythesize but not difficult
> to grasp so it's really about managing your time. I found
> that to be the biggest pitfall. Of course read the essays.
> I thought I had a prety good idea what they were going to
> test so I only studied what I thought they's test on and
> glanced over the other stuff. I was wrong about what they
> actually tested and only got one of the three subjects I
> thought they would test on. I found Bar Bri audio course
> very helpful but it is a bit more expensive.
> Good Luck.
> On 12/02/05, Dosa Junn wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I am a CA attorney planning to take the Georgia Bar Exam.
>> I am wondering whether any GA (or other) attorneys have
>> any words of wisdom for me regarding preparing for the GA
>> exam. I'm planning to study in CA and take the July exam.
>> Any recommendations as to bar prep programs, especially
>> since I attended law school in CA and have no experience
>> with GA law? Any pitfalls I should know about?
>> Thanks so much...Looking forward to reading your replies.
>> DJ