Re: Tutor for Georgia Attorney's Exam
Posted by Paul on 8/24/08
I have taken and passed the Georgia attorney's exam, Florida bar exam
and two other bar exams with an unbeatable method, which I offer in a
personalized tutorial that is unmatched in quality and price for
passing this exam.
If you are interested in passing the Georgia attorney's exam, please
see my website at
> On 8/20/08, KS wrote:
>> Add me to the list of FL attorney's taking the '09 Georgia
>> Attorney's Exam. If anybody comes up with study
>> suggestions/materials/info, assistance would be greatly
> appreciated.
>> On 7/01/08, CADW wrote:
>>> I am also a Florida attorney and am going to take the February 09
>>> Georgia Attorneys Exam. What are your thoughts?
>>> CW
>>> On 10/08/06, john wrote:
>>>> I just got a job in Georgia and am admitted to the Florida
>>>> Bar. I was wondering how the Attorney Exam for Georgia is and
>>>> what one should do to prepare, as well as the timeline for
>>>> applying. Any help on this would be helpful. Thanks
>>>> On 8/11/06, LH wrote:
>>>>> Did you take the GA Atty's exam yet? I am taking it in Feb
>>>> 07 and I
>>>>> wanted to know your thought about the exam as far as
>>>> preparation,
>>>>> length, difficulty and subjects tested. What did you use
>>>> to prepare?
>>>>> On 2/23/06, Jay wrote:
>>>>>> Has anyone taken the Georiga Attorney's exam? If so, how
>>>>>> long is it? Subjects? Difficulty?