Post: Selling CO and FL books

Posted by LH on 3/11/06
Colorado Books: I am selling CO book: the essay practice book, the Colorado law book, the MPT Workbook plus personal outlines (civ pro and family law)) for $100 plus shipping. I took the exam in 7/04. Florida Books: I am selling FL Books: the FL law book, conviser mini review, Florida Lecture handouts, MBE drills and released questions, Mutlistate testing practice questions and simulated exam book, Florida Testing book plus 2 personal outlines-MS crim law and MS torts with Florida distinctions for $130 plus shipping. I took the exam in 2/04. I will give you a FL. Bar Exam study guide and selected answers-printed from the internet and Essay writing strategies w/ personal notes from Barbri class. ***You will need to purchase the MS outline book from another source.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Selling CO and FL books, 3/11/06, by LH.