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    Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules

    Posted by Carol on 8/04/06

    Michele, in answer to your previous question, I do general
    practice, lots of PI, criminal defense and probate mostly. I'm
    lucky to be paired up with an experienced attorney who's getting
    ready to retire and wants someone young to do all the scut work!
    you know, writing, research all the dreary stuff that you have to
    learn to do before you can go into court and 'wow' 'em. :)
    seriously, I'm not complaining. didn't your law school have a
    career advisor or placement office to help you all out with stuff
    like this? I know what you mean about the big firms, they all
    want top 10% or so of the class. Where does that leave the rest
    of the 90? scrambling. Keep plugging away, all firms know that
    new grads aren't ready to practice but a lot of them might want
    you to train before you are able to actually practice. a friend
    of mine at a major firm says they put the new associate's desk
    next to the copiers for a reason.
    On 8/03/06, Michele wrote:
    > Jason, thanks a lot for the words (you too Carol)! It really
    > stinks doesn't it. I set up an interview but was afraid a bit of
    > how to pose the question when I called places. The interview I
    > set up was through a temp to permanent legal placement agency.
    > I get interviewed by the law firm they suggest it starts within
    > the salary range that I had hoped for but I have to start
    > contract (hourly) then salary.
    > So things are looking up since I last posted, but still up in
    > air. You know I think they should start doing a residency or
    > automatic internship type thing that would be nice knowing that
    > someone got to sample your hard work first, but when you go out
    > with a resume reflecting less than stellar legal "Stats" I don't
    > care what they say it matters to them. Every ad or "career
    > builder" posting I have seen says either "top __&37; of the
    > or "need attorney with 2-6 years of exp." And anyway if they
    > so little then why do they want the freaking class rank on there.
    > Just frustrated out loud lol
    > take it easy;)

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/02/06, by Michele.
  • Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/03/06, by Jason.
  • Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/03/06, by Carol.
  • Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/03/06, by Michele.
  • Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules, 8/04/06, by Carol.
  • Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules, 8/04/06, by Michele.
  • Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules, 8/05/06, by Carol.

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