Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules
Posted by Michele on 8/04/06
Hey Carol, I am pretty persistent and don't get bummed too easily so in case you were concerned don't be, (yet lol). Our career services sucks it catered to top 10% I used them for mock interviews a bit but other than that pretty useless, however the director just left and is being replaced. When he first came we had a dean that was pretty political but since then we had a dean change and SHE ROCKS! So I think that will make a big difference since she has made all the difference in so many other areas. This doesn't help me now but its ok at least future classes could have a great resource. I love to write but I have no journal exp I wouldn't mind just getting in and writing briefs but that would take some proof of ability other than an research and writing class writing sample. What part of the country are you in? I am in Kansas City, Missouri area. Always looking for contacts you know and you seem nice. Well take care!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/02/06, by Michele.
- Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/03/06, by Jason.
- Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/03/06, by Carol.
- Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go, 8/03/06, by Michele.
- Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules, 8/04/06, by Carol.
- Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules, 8/04/06, by Michele.
- Re: All J.D.'d and no where to go Rules, 8/05/06, by Carol.