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    Post: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?

    Posted by Jason on 8/30/06

    I'm a recent JD still waiting for Bar results. I've been
    responding to every job posting with no avail. I also have
    been searching for those temporary contract jobs to no
    avail. I've applied for every county and state position as
    well. In all cases, I've had little feedback. I'll call
    them next week to follow-up. I just hope that if I pass in
    October, things will get better. However, this still beats
    the hell out of studying for the Bar. My daily job search
    is conducted at local Barnes and Noble's, Border's, and
    Panera's as my office to at least get me out of the house.
    And I've been keeping a pretty consistent schedule,
    working from 10-5 on most days. Is there anyone out there
    like me? And if so, what have you been doing? Thanks and
    look forward to hearing your stories.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 8/30/06, by Jason.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/08/06, by seat2intheboat.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/08/06, by Timi Alaibe.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/10/06, by Jason.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/11/06, by Bassel.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/14/06, by Rebecca.

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