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    Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?

    Posted by Rebecca on 9/14/06

    >>> On 8/30/06, Jason wrote:
    >>>> I'm a recent JD still waiting for Bar results. I've been
    >>>> responding to every job posting with no avail. I also have
    >>>> been searching for those temporary contract jobs to no
    >>>> avail. I've applied for every county and state position as
    >>>> well. In all cases, I've had little feedback. I'll call
    >>>> them next week to follow-up. I just hope that if I pass in
    >>>> October, things will get better. However, this still beats
    >>>> the hell out of studying for the Bar. My daily job search
    >>>> is conducted at local Barnes and Noble's, Border's, and
    >>>> Panera's as my office to at least get me out of the house.
    >>>> And I've been keeping a pretty consistent schedule,
    >>>> working from 10-5 on most days. Is there anyone out there
    >>>> like me? And if so, what have you been doing? Thanks and
    >>>> look forward to hearing your stories.
    >>>> Jason
    >>> Don't sweat it. I graduated last year and passed the bar.
    >> Prior to receiving my
    >>> results I literally had 5 job offers all contingent upon my
    >> passing the bar. Seems
    >>> like companies make their hiring decisions right around the
    >> time the results
    >>> come out.
    >>> You'll find something.
    >> Thanks for responding. It's great to know that things will get
    >> better. I've been told that this is a game that requires
    >> patience and persistence and so far it has! I'll be patient,
    >> keep networking, applying for jobs, and wait until mid-
    >> October.
    > Hey, I am in the same boat. I am waiting for my results. I
    > I was the only person w/o a job out of school. However, I found
    > that a majority of recent graduates that I know are not able to
    > find work either.
    > I have been interviewing w/ firms though. I think the best thing
    > did was call every firm w/ a field I was interested in and asked
    > to speak to a partner. I found that if you can speak to a person
    > in charge, rather than an administrator, you up your chances of
    > inviting yourself in for an interview.

    We are all in the same boat. I graduated in May of this year and
    awaiting results as well. I am lucky, I continue to work for the
    same firm that I did throughout school but actively seeking other
    employment. I've heard of many grads who have taken non-paying
    internships and even more with nothing to do for the summer. I
    have found that those who are willing to employ new grads are
    often offering a pittance for a salary (I made more as a paralegal
    than what some offer). Most of the grads in my area have resorted
    to working for the SBA (long hours and no benefits but overtime
    pay is decent) until results come out. I've been told by numerous
    grads that the tides turn when results come out, so just hang in
    there and know that you aren't alone!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 8/30/06, by Jason.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/08/06, by seat2intheboat.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/08/06, by Timi Alaibe.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/10/06, by Jason.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/11/06, by Bassel.
  • Re: JD still looking for job... Anybody in the same boat?, 9/14/06, by Rebecca.

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