Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles, LA on 12/21/06
Lake Charles, LA - March 27, 2004 Dear Ann, Some thoughts on your question about how to get established in your community: 1. I think I saw where you are of the Christian religion. Therefore, get involved in your church. If you are Jewish, your synagogue. 2. Get involved in your political party. Hope you are a Democrat; but if you are a Republican, I'll still be your friend. (Humor intended!) 3. Advertise. I suggest the classified, for it's cheaper and it really draws in clients. 4. Attend as many CLE seminars as you can; but since they are so expensive, just show up at many of them and do not register. Just politic around and get to know the lawyers there and collect cards. Learn who is good at what and get to know them so you can call them for friendly advice and discussion when you need to. 5. Join the Optimist Club, Kiwanas, Rotary or such. Get active in it. 6. Take some criminal cases and try them. The more you take the better you will get known, not to mention the trial and other experience you will gain. There is no cost to you in trying criminal cases, like there is in trying civil cases. 7. Hang out at the local coffee shops and introduce yourself to people and hand them a card or two. 8. Start your day off each morning at the courthouse, just being seen down there. Go from one courtroom to another and see what is going on. Do not be afraid to introduce yourself to other lawyers. Tell them, "If I can ever help you out, pinch hit for you in a jam, feel free to call on me." If you meet out of town lawyers, tell them not to waste a trip to Annapolis if you can run an errand for them. 9. Insist that you be given a position, chairmanship, whatever, in your local bar association, and possibly even the state bar association. 10. Buy and read the book entitled HOW TO TOOT YOUR OWN HORN WITHOUT BLOWING IT. 11. Join the Federal Bar Association. The membership card alone is worth the $105.00 it costs to join. Flash that on a jailer when you visit the jail and watch him or her stand back and take notice! More and more lawyers are lawyers are being demanded to present their bar card. The FBA card is the best to present. 12. When a client comes in to see you and you go to give them one of your business cards, give the a bunch of your business cards and say, "If you know of anybody looking for a good lawyer, I hope you will tell them about me." Clients like to refer cases to their lawyer. Cards are cheap. 13. When you go to a restaurant, instead of giving a usual tip, give a large one, say a five or ten dollar bill wrapped around several of your business cards. It's the best gimmick in the legal profession. The message is implicit. Watch how fast you get a very good paying legal case from referred to you by that waiter or waitress. 14. Call the Lees up out at Sherwood Forest and get to know them. He's an architect, so he should not be hard to find. They are great people. They were the host-family to my son Blaine when he attended the Naval Academy. I am sure they know lots of Annapolis people and will introduce you and pass your name around. Tell them I said hello. They were nice to Blaine. I will give this some more thought and be back in touch about it. As you can imagine, this is not for publication. Best of luck! Hang in there! You will be known all over Maryland before long. Just go to it! "Let your light shine!" the old chiropractor and X-Marine told me. He meant advertise. He said even Christ said, "Don't light a candle and hide it under a basket." That means advertise. Others are going to do it; you should too. There is more to it all than this, but this is something to think about. Best of luck! Thanks for staying touch! Sincerely, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. Lake Charles
Posts on this thread, including this one
- ADVICE TO ANN OR TO ANY YOUNG LAWYER, 12/21/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles, LA.
- Re: ADVICE TO ANN OR TO ANY YOUNG LAWYER, 12/22/06, by kurt katnik.