Post: Lucky set:(passed 2 exams 1 try) BAR BRI Books NY, MA, PMBR

Posted by Anna on 11/16/07
hey!!! i got BAR BRI books for sale, because i passed on first try - they are the lucky ones. includes NY, MA distinctions and PMBR books for multistate. I will give you all my outlines from summer BARBRI classes and all notes i have. I will also sell a CD ($50) i have recorded my notes on, so you can listen to that while in subway or a car. For all future exam takers - GOOD LUCK! Be confident, and you will be fine. pick up in NYC or you pay for shipping
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Lucky set:(passed 2 exams 1 try) BAR BRI Books NY, MA, PMBR , 11/16/07, by Anna.
- Re: Lucky set:(passed 2 exams 1 try) BAR BRI Books NY, MA, P, 4/25/08, by Stacey.