Post: NY Babri Materials for sale (London)

Posted by abovethelaw on 7/31/08
Ny Bar Books for sale Full Barbri set with Audio Lecture's
(i-pod) (£500)
I bought and took the full course in the States at the
beginning of the year and so have missed my deposit date
and am now selling them to the first lucky buyer!
This sale is for the complete set of ALL the materials you
will need to study for the New York Bar Exam.
Included in this packgae is the 2007/8 complete set of
Barbri books and Lectures (on I-pod/ MP3 player), and
complete subject outlines for all the MBE and NY subjects
including a copy of the PACED programme. This pack also
includes notes from the Barbri Mini Review (excellent
lecture not to be missed), NY Marino Essay Advantage
Course (which you will not have access to in London) and
the notes from the Foreign Attorney's Review Programme.
I can also provide you with fantastic advice and tips to
beat and pass this exam having gone through it myself.
These materials combined cost over £3,500 brand new and so
represent real value for money. These are also ALL the
materials you will need to pass the NY BAR.
I am also have some PMBR Materials for sale so please let
me know if you would like information about these also.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- NY Babri Materials for sale (London), 7/31/08, by abovethelaw.
- Re: NY Babri Materials for sale (London), 9/12/08, by Ernest Richards.
- Re: NY Babri Materials for sale (London), 11/13/08, by Dmitry.
- Re: NY Babri Materials for sale (London), 11/24/08, by Jen Strickland.