Post: Possibly Corrupt Bar Exam Graders in NJ

Posted by Icey on 11/15/09
I came so close to passing N.J. again 2 points, 4 points,
4 points, Is it possible they are failing me because I
have requested accomodations and accomodations have been
granted . . .
At the bar exam site I overheard a proctor say to another
proctor: "it isn't fair they are going to fail her
regardless of how she does on the bar exam."
Another proctor said: "they can't do that."
The first proctor responded: "Oh, they have done it(decide
to fail people regardless of their performace) before you
don't know what I know."
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Possibly Corrupt Bar Exam Graders in NJ, 11/15/09, by Icey.