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    Post: Celebration Bar Review vs. Pieper Bar Review

    Posted by GBS on 1/23/11

    I have taken Celebration Bar Review. Mr. Mumey interrupted
    my study - 4 months before the exam -- he disconnected me
    after I paid him $4,000. Mr. Mumey knows very little about
    the New York Bar exam. He knows ZERO about New York law.
    He fails to point out that New York law follows very many
    minority common law views. He knows nothing about the New
    York Essays, and knows not how to teach anyone how to write
    an acceptable New York Essay response for the exam.
    John Pieper went to law school in New York. He was a law
    degree (JD) from St. Johns and an LLM from NYU -- both real
    New York Law schools. He was taught the Pieper New York
    Bar Review course for 35 years. He is a practicing New
    York Lawyer and he is a New York Magistrate Judge. Jackson
    Mumey borders on wholesale fraud. If you want to pass the
    New York Bar exam, Celebration Bar Review will not prepare
    you for it at all.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Celebration Bar Review vs. Pieper Bar Review, 1/23/11, by GBS .

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