Post: Losing the Big Ones

Posted by Hardy Parkerson, J.D. on 8/08/12
11/5/2005 - Posted by:
The Parkerson Law Firm
Phone: (337) 802-4041
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Losing the Big Ones
Most lawyers brag about the big cases they have won. I brag
about the big ones I have lost. I hold the world's indoor
record for losing the big ones. I have been beaten many
times before a jury, but never by a bad lawyer. Always by
the best. Shall I name a few of them? Ed Rundell, of
Alexandria, LA, who not only has a law degree, but a Ph.D.
from Texas University in Austin. How about Andy Plauche,
now of New Orleans, and Stephen Berniard, still of Lake
Charles? And Reid Hebert, now deceased? Reid beat me many
times, but I always kept coming back. I swore I'd beat him,
but he died before I could. One day after I had lost a hard-
fought civil jury trial to the great insurance defense
lawyer Stephen Barniard of Lake Charles, one that I did not
think could be lost; I was defeated, dejected, down and
depressed; and I returned to my office on a Thursday
afternoon after the verdict had come in against me and my
client. I wondered why I had even entered the law, and I am
sure I thought about just quitting it. Just a few minutes
after I had arrived back at my office, the phone rang. It
was Stephen Berniard on the phone. "Hardy," he said, "Pull
out old So-And-So's file, and let's see if we can settle
it!" I said, "Steve, why do you want to settle a case with
me? You beat me every time we go to court." "Yes, yes," he
said, "I know! I know! But your luck's gotta change. I
don't want to be on the other side when it does." There is
something to be said for trying civil and criminal jury
cases, even if you lose. The word gets around that you are
not afraid to go to trial and that you are not afraid of a
jury. This will ultimately result in more and better
settlement offers. Also, there is no better place to learn
law and evidence and trial procedure and practice than by
preparing for and trying jury cases to verdict. EXPERIENTIA
STULTOS DOCET (Experience teaches even fools.) There is
more to it all than this, but this is something for an
aspiring trial lawyer to think about.
Sincerely, Hardy Parkerson,
Retired Attorney; Lake Charles, LA
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- Losing the Big Ones, 8/08/12, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..