Re: Welcome to the Patent Law Chatboard
Posted by Kyle J Saniga on 9/03/06
On 2/06/06, Bob Reap (webmaster) wrote:
> Welcome to the Patent Law Chatboard. This chatboard is
> dedicated to discussions about patents, patent law, and
> patent attorney issues. Attorneys and legal professionals
> are encouraged to bookmark this resource and contribute
> often. Please tell a colleague about all of the free
> attorney resources on Counsel.Net!
I am inquiring about learning how to do patents. I have
come up with multiple ideas and looked into submitting them
and have the process questionable and lengthy.
I am trying to find someone or business that can teach how
to do patents, yourself!!!
Please e-mail me if you know how or where I can go to do
Ms. Kyle J Saniga
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Welcome to the Patent Law Chatboard, 2/06/06, by Bob Reap (webmaster).
- Re: Welcome to the Patent Law Chatboard, 9/03/06, by Kyle J Saniga.