Post: Do I need a Patent

Posted by Brian F. on 8/11/10
I do not know exactly where to start.I live in South Mississippi and there are NO Patent Attorneys anywhere close.I am starting a business that will make specific marking tags for a specific industry.I presently work in this industry for 17 years now.There are different kinds of tags in this industry (but none have ever been that good or lasted more than a couple of years).My idea is a completely different material(will be permanent and not fade),design and concept.Ultimately they are all still marking tags.Can I still patent it.I have not been able to find anything else like it and it will solve a problem that we in this industry have been constantly trying to find new ideas to correct.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Do I need a Patent, 8/11/10, by Brian F..
- Re: Do I need a Patent, 8/12/10, by Tom Brody.