Post: Parential responsibility in accident

Posted by Tracy on 9/13/06
PA law states that parents are not resonsible for the mis-
haps of their children unless it was malicious and willfull
and excludes pure accidents.
Our situation was a pure accident and we are being asked to
pay a unreasonable amount for something that happened at a
business establishment when my son attended a birthday
party at a mini golf outing. The golf place has a sign
posted player and patrons assume all risk.
We were trying to be cival regading this matter as we feel
bad that this happened but this other family has resorted
to threats and bulliness.
Can someone take a minor to court if parents are not
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Parential responsibility in accident, 9/13/06, by Tracy .
- Re: Parential responsibility in accident, 9/26/06, by Peter Lamont.