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    Re: Trip and Fall

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Attorney at Law - Lake Charles, LA on 10/06/06

    Dear Victoria,

    I have handled what seems like hundreds of what I
    call "slip 'n fall", or "trip 'n fall" cases in my forty
    years of practicing law. Over the years these were the
    cases that most lawyers did not want to take; so I, being a
    run of the mill hungry lawyer, got more than my share. I
    took them all. Beggers can't be choosy! As I say, I have
    handled literally hundreds of them--at least it seems--and I
    have never had but two that I did not get money out of; and
    both of these I tried, one to a judge and one to a jury; and
    both of these I lost. As I size them up, they are worth
    taking, for they have settlement value; but the settlements
    are not the big-money type. They are bad cases to try.
    Juries just don't believe the plaintiffs, and they also go
    into the trial very skeptical, and usually come out that way
    too. Judges the same. Yet, I have been able to settle
    almost every one, except those two, that I have ever taken.
    But I caution my clients in least I have
    learned to do so...that I feel I can get them something that
    they will be willing to accept, even after I have taken my
    attorney fee out of what I got them, but they they should
    not get any high hopes and that anything we can get it
    better than nothing; and I advise them that surely are not
    going to get anything out of such as case if they don't try.
    Sometimes such settlements come only after a suit has been
    filed and litigated, and even sometimes on the steps of the
    courthouse on the morning scheduled trial. But, as I say,
    there have been only two such cases that I did not get money
    out of; and both of them I tried, and both of them WE lost.
    In my opinion, they are not good cases to try. There is
    more to it all than this, but this is something to think
    about. Best of luck to you, your employer and his or her
    client! Feel free to call me to discuss your case, if you
    so desire. My phone number is easy to get through
    information. Also, somewhere I have a nuts-and-bolts paper
    that I wrote on such cases. If you want a copy of it, let me
    know and I will look for it and send it to you. Of course, I
    will need a FAX number or mailing address, as I do not
    personally scan and send things over the internet. Again,
    best of luck!


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA
    Celebrating my 40th year in the practice of law.

    On 10/05/06, Victoria wrote:
    > I have a trip and fall case that I am working on in a
    > paralegal capacity; trip and fall, not my specialty. We
    > are coming up empty handed on a witness other than the
    > victim's husband. There was no surveillance at the site
    > strip mall) and witnesses that possibly saw the fall
    > refused to participate and have since went "poof" due to
    > time so I need a stronger leg to stand on, so to speak.
    > Any thoughts?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Trip and Fall, 10/05/06, by Victoria.
  • Re: Trip and Fall, 10/06/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Attorney at Law - Lake Charles, LA.
  • Re: Trip and Fall, 12/27/06, by Nathan.

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