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    Post: You Gotta Give it to the Boy!

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 10/06/06

    We have a relatively young lawyer here in Lake Charles by
    the name of Ron Richard. I have known his older relatives
    for years, and most of them were plumbers. Well, when Ron
    grew up, he became a lawyer. Physically Ron is considered
    short; but in my opinion, as a lawyer, he is ten feet
    tall. A couple of years or so ago, he strutted into a
    courtroom where I was present during a recess, and became
    the center of attention. A couple of the court-room types-
    -lawyers and such--present said, "Ron, you ought to run
    for District Attorney," as there was a hot D.A. race about
    to take place. Immediatly Ron said, "Not me, bro! Me, I'm
    running for millionaire." My immediate thought was, How
    audacious can one be! How wrong I was, for it was only
    about a year, or a little more, later that this same
    little (in physical stature) lawyer signed off on a $64.5
    Million Class Action Settlement. I also signed off on the
    same settlement; but I only got a small bite of it as my
    fee, compared to what Ron got. No one knows for sure,
    except the extreme insiders on this deal, of which I was
    not one; but I heard his cut of the attorney-fee pie was
    upwards of $6-Million to $8-Million. Not bad for a young
    guy not so far out of law school! Immediately all of the
    young beautiful girls in town were after him; or so it
    appeared. There is more to the story than this, but this
    is something to think about.


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA
    (Celebrating my 40th year in the practice of law.)

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  • You Gotta Give it to the Boy!, 10/06/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..

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