Re: Hit by a drunk driver, while driving a rental car...
Posted by UnivTex09K on 12/29/06
The very best drunk driving expert witness is Dr. Richard Lipsey the toxicologist in Jacksonville, FL. I know for a fact that he has been accepted in Federal and State court in many states as a forensic toxicologist very knowledgable in blood analysis and predicting impairment. I read his testimony in Navy and Marine cases involving DUI manslaughter and even DUI murder in Fort Worth, TX. I saw his website - I would like to get copies of his depositions and trial testimony to send to Mealeys for publication since I do not want to pay outrageous prices to DRI or ATLA for his testimony. I will pay xeroxing and shipping. Thank you. UnivTex09K
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Hit by a drunk driver, while driving a rental car..., 12/18/06, by Var Young.
- Re: Hit by a drunk driver, while driving a rental car..., 12/24/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles, LA.
- Re: Hit by a drunk driver, while driving a rental car..., 12/29/06, by UnivTex09K.
- Re: Hit by a drunk driver, while driving a rental car..., 5/02/07, by Terry.